
Adolescence is a part of everyone's lives.

You too must have gone through that age of complete confusion, mood swings and much more.

Now it's your child's turn to go through the same, and it's totally normal. Understanding your child during this period is a great deal and definitely isn't an easy task.

However, it is also important to know that along with the mental changes, there are a number of physical changes that your child will have to go through, and that could make your child a little more sensitive.

So, who do you think can help you understand and help your child enjoy growing up? A counselor, or a doctor? Or do you think a combination of the two would be a better option?

Changes in the child

  • Growth of breast
  • Body hairs
  • Change in voice
  • Menstrual problems
  • Mental symptoms like irritability mood swings etc.
  • Acne problems
  • Other puberty problems
  • Reproductive health care and counseling
  • Chronic illness management

That's where at Mom n' Me Hospital can help you with. We have a team of experienced specialists for adolescent medicine.

We offer a range of treatments to help your child have a happy transition phase as they enter adulthood. You are welcome to bring your children to us and have a consultation for a healthy teenage.