Frequently Asked Questions

Ideally, girls should schedule their first visit to a gynecologist between the ages of 13-15 years. It might just be a general talk with the doctor and know what to expect from your future visits. It is advisable to visit gynecologists annually for the check-up and at any other time when there is a concerning issue.

Few things which you should not do prior to your appointment with the gynecologist are:
  • Don't use contraceptive gels as it might undesirably affect the results of the tests
  • Avoid sexual intercourse the night before
  • Avoid self-diagnosis and self-treating, however small you think the issue might be
  • Don't schedule your appointment during your mensural cycle, however, this is entirely on case to case basis
  • Avoid pelvic grooming just before your appointment

There is no right or wrong time, but ideally, you should make your first appointment with your obstetrician/gynecologist between 6-12 weeks of your pregnancy. However, your doctor will guide you on when you should visit, depending on your health conditions.

Some of the factors which might increase your number of visits to your obstetrician/gynecologist are:
  • Being over 35 years of age
  • Having any pre-existing health condition
  • Feeling pelvic pain or vaginal bleeding
  • Signs of preterm labor